Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Does Nashville Tn Have A Solution To Illegal Immigration?

Would this work nation wide ?

Council considers requiring immigrants to wear distinct logo.

If Metro Council member Jim Gotto gets his way, non-citizen immigrants walking the streets of Nashville will soon be required to wear “some distinctive logo or patch (to be determined) on their clothing and vehicles in a visible manner.”

Gotto is already pressing forward on a largely symbolic bill that would ban employers from hiring and landlords from renting to illegal immigrants, but he says the “distinctive logo” idea would bring the reality of the numbers of illegal immigrants to everyone’s attention.

“I just think that when you’re walking around, or on the road, or picking a restaurant, it can help you make decisions,” he says. “If a lady is home alone and somebody is knocking at her door, it would help her know what to do if she could clearly see the illegal immigrant logo on his shirt.”

Gotto says he hasn’t decided on what the best illegal alien identifying logo should be. “I just want it to be visible and distinctive,” he says. “I thought scarlet ‘A’ for ‘alien’ might be good, but I’ve also heard suggestions that a pink triangle or a yellow star might work. Somebody also said a scarlet taco might be good, but that might look too much like the Chili’s logo.”

Council member Eric Crafton, who has also been active in pushing local government into getting involved in federal immigration policy, is reportedly looking into the feasibility of fencing off sections of Nolensville Road.

“We could wall off Nolensville between I-440 and Harding Place, and require that people prove their citizenship to move in and out of that zone,” Crafton, the Bellevue-area representative, says. “That’s not discrimination at all,” he adds. “Anyone whose papers are in order can move around just fine—just like in Berlin during the Cold War. We could have Metro-manned checkpoints in and out, and I think everyone would feel safer and more free.”

.Does Nashville Tn Have A Solution To Illegal Immigration?
So they will wear the scarlett I instead of an A? This does not sound like a good idea at all.
impostor. you sound like Hitler now. raciest.Does Nashville Tn Have A Solution To Illegal Immigration?
I dislike those ideas, but I can't understand why they would not want to just try dealing heavy fines on employers.
You mean like a Star of David? Good idea! Lets open up some camps too! Then we can really be like the Germans during WWII

Have to agree with clone. We enable them to be here! Employers don't get checked, fined or punished.
Actually, I think it is an awesome idea, if turned around. Legal Americans should wear them, and do so willingly. Lord knows, the illegals aren't going to show themselves, so why don't we?! There could be a process to get this insignia, and you would have to show proof of citizenship. Those who couldn't, would be the obvious and "naked" ones in public.

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