Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Why does Chicago continue to be so segregated?

have lived almost my entire life in Chicago but I have spent almost all of my summers in Nashville due to family ties. I know both cities very well. Recently I did a major project for my sociology class.

I compared Chicago and Nashville with regards to segregation in social settings. For four months I observed people at restaurants, sports events, night clubs and malls to see how much interaction there was between different races. (only dinner time and weekends)

In Chicago, I saw people of different races socializing together only 9% of the time whereas in Nashville the number was 48% of the time. I was totally in shock. I observed over 100 situations in each city so I feel my data is accurate.

So I am just curious if any can tell me about other cities. Has anyone else notice this type of segregation in Chicago or anywhere else?

Thanks,Why does Chicago continue to be so segregated?
People segragate themselves.

I know like 5 blacks personally, and have no real contact w/them. We have different friends, interests, we might visit each other for a BBQ in the summer or for some holiday or event but we have different lives. Even were I work I think that there might be 3 blacks, but I rarely see them we work in different depts and have no contact with each other.

People associate with those that have similar interests, goals, concerns.

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