Friday, February 24, 2012

Are they still racist in nashville, tn?

I used to live there in 1995 and both blacks and whites hated each other down there. I was a hostess at a restaurant there and even had a server tell me not to sit any black people in her section. I was floored and abruptly quit that job. -

having lived in Anchorage,AK most of my life I've grown up with people from everywhere and race is not an issue up here because we have such a diverse population. I've generally always dated outside of my race and my son is multi-racial as well.

So my question is - I'm considering moving back to Nashville (something I said I never would do previously) because a friend of mine that is non-white has convinced me it is not as bad as it used to be. So I'd like to know honestly from others if that is the case or not.

Are Nashville residents as racists as they used to be more than 10 years ago??? do blacks and whites mutually hate each other down there? If there isn't as much outward racism is their segregation between the races in communities?

any insight would help! thanks :)Are they still racist in nashville, tn?
Black people can be racists just like the white people! Try to walk into one of those streets in Harlem! A bi-racial young man was murdered a few years of ago in Harlem, because he did not "belong" there!

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