Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How can you live a productive life and bring in income with Epilepsy?

I have lived with epilepsy for several years. I have seizures frequently. I'm currently on medication and last year I had the vagus nerve stimulator implanted to help control them. This is the 1st year where I've been totally dependent on disability checks for living and public transportation and family/friends for travel. I love to be productive. I am trying to think of creative ways to bring in some more income that will accommodate my health situation. I am great with computers. I enjoy being on the phone. I enjoy writing. I have a car but I can't drive it. I was thinking about possibly selling it or renting it out.

I live in Nashville, TN. I am also open to any suggestions of places I may go to just change my environment. I use a service that will take me where I need to go. So, I would love places I could go other than movies, the gym, and restaurants.How can you live a productive life and bring in income with Epilepsy?
IF you earn even one cent you will be stopped from any federal income!

The best WE can do is make things for others and give them away, grow our own foods, see if volunteer jobs will take you. Most are too afraid of us.

I have recently found a Free collage on the Internet. (Online Bible Collage). One can also pay for the mini courses and get real credits. If the subject is not to your liking; perhaps you can find a free collage in your direction?

E-mail if you want any idea of what living ones whole life epileptic is like. Made worse after a murder attempt. I've never even had a drivers license.
Yes! Our neighbour has epilepsy and worked as a college professor for many years before he retired in his 60s. He is married and I went to school with his kids. He lives a normal, productive life as far as I can tell.How can you live a productive life and bring in income with Epilepsy?
Wow, good for u! You are really making it! How wonderful..maybe even bring a husband into the story? Do contact your DVR in your county. DIVISION OF VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION..THEY WILL HELP U.
I have epilepsy and I, too, have had my fair share of seizures. However, I manage to earn a college degree back in '09 while working a full time job. However, I managed to remain fairly seizure free by: taking my medication on a routinely basis, eating a high protein diet, not skipping meals, obtaining at least 6 hours of rest a night, try not to get overly stressed, avoid drugs/ alcohol, avoid extreme temperatures, and avoid getting sick/ hurt.

However; since you were working on your Master's in Counseling Psychology AND Vocational Rehabilitation Services is assisting you in, how about trying for a position as a Residential Counselor at one of the rehab centers that is found within the department itself.

I attended Woodrow Wilson Rehab Center, a rehab training in Virginia, that had several Residential Couselors with many of them resided in the dorms themslves or in houses that were located within a walking distance of the school itself in case an emergency took place: like a student commenting suicide (which I'm sorry to say does happen).

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