Saturday, March 3, 2012

Did you read this?? Another ILLEGAL another crime??

Wednesday, 08/23/06

Neighbor charged in death of Bellevue woman in home

Police say suspected illegal immigrant admitted killing


Staff Writer

The remnants of a brutal and lengthy fight were scattered throughout Mary Sadler's 229 Cross Timbers Drive home on Tuesday.

Police found Sadler's cockatiel, Aussie, cowering in a corner with a broken wing. The bird later died at an emergency clinic.

A glass panel from a grandfather clock was shattered. A mirror in the front foyer was cracked, and glass spilled out onto the floor.

Nearby, police found Sadler, 74, dead, her beaten and bloody body by a rear sliding-glass door inside the home.

"It was one hell of a fight," her grandson-in-law, Paul Woods, said Tuesday as he helped clean debris from the living room. "I think she did a good job for being 74 years old and trying to defend herself."

According to Metro police, the man who on Monday killed Sadler, and perhaps Sadler's bird, was Ivan Moreno, 30, a next-door neighbor.

Moreno, who is thought to be an illegal immigrant from Mexico, admitted to police that he struck Sadler after he went to her house to get money, said Metro police spokesman Don Aaron.

Moreno was arrested yesterday on a charge of criminal homicide.

He also faces two charges of assaulting police officers during his arrest and a domestic assault charge after threatening his wife in Spanish that he would kill her if she cooperated with authorities, police said.

Moreno's possible illegal presence in the country was a sore spot yesterday for Sadler's family and neighbors. They expressed contempt for landlords who rented a duplex to Moreno and his family.

Police initially said Sadler had been beaten to death, but an autopsy yesterday found that she had also been strangled, Aaron said.

It was not clear exactly what touched off the violence inside the home. Moreno had gone to Sadler's house to ask for money.

Sometime after the killing, he went to a Mapco on Highway 70 South where he became belligerent after being refused cigarettes because he didn't have enough money, police said.

Moreno left the Mapco before police arrived and drove back to his neighborhood. Neighbors saw him driving recklessly through yards and called police.

Officers arrived at Cross Timbers Drive to find his car abandoned with a shredded tire, police said.

He was identified moments later and found to have an outstanding warrant for failing to show up in court in June on a charge of driving without a license, police said.

Officers went to his home at 233 Cross Timbers Drive, but Moreno wasn't there. As they prepared to leave, they spotted him behind Sadler's home with blood on his clothes, police said.

According to police, Moreno kicked two officers who tried to arrest him.

Moreno appears to have used false documents and a fake name to land a job at a West End Avenue restaurant, police said. Federal authorities are working to determine his immigration status.

The killing prompted a joint statement by Metro police Chief Ronal Serpas, Sheriff Daron Hall and District Attorney General Torry Johnson, announcing plans to reform the way criminal immigrants are handled in Nashville.

"While it is premature at this point to announce any plans or initiatives, suffice it to say that the three of us are working closely with the federal government to develop a system to better protect our citizens from immigrants who commit criminal acts and show a blatant disregard for our laws," the statement said.

Investigators have said they didn't know of any animosity between Moreno and Sadler before Monday, though a police spokesman said a hand-held video game and other undisclosed items from Sadler's home were found in Moreno's home, police said.

Sadler's family and neighbors yesterday told The Tennessean there had been disputes between them.

One recent spat involved one of Moreno's children shooting a BB gun at tomatoes in Sadler's back yard, a family member said.

Police yesterday declined to comment about that.

"We are still early in the investigation," Aaron said. "We will be talking to Mrs. Sadler's family in more detail."Did you read this?? Another ILLEGAL another crime??
They come here for a better life, but in fact, thousands kill, rape, molest, drive drunk, rob, bilk welfare services, destroy school systems, savage our hospitals and destroy our language. Along with thousands crossing our borders daily to do the work Americans won't do, thousands of predator and drunk aliens converge on America committed to doing jobs that most Americans wouldn't dream of doing: killing, raping, drunk driving and child molestation....
Yeah i read it and it only mentions that he might be an illegal not that he is one. next question please.Did you read this?? Another ILLEGAL another crime??
you are kidding right? so no crimes have been committed by wasps? hell jeffrey daumer killed and ATE people- and he was as middle class white as you could get
It is a sad statement, but we have the exact same thing happening to resident's of OUR own country.
Oh my word - that poor woman! At least she went out fighting.

I hope the illegals are happy that they're making everyone learn Spanish - now they get charged with more crimes when they threaten their wives with it! It also doesn't surprise me that he went over there to get money. Why wait for her to pay taxes to get the hand out - no one needs a middle man, right? I hope he gets raped every day he's in prison.
Immigrants suck...
so, if he was a legal immigrant it would have been alright to kill her? or should all killers lose their citizenship?
Horrible stuff.

But I really don't think him being an illegal immigrant has too much to do with it. I mean, look at the sick, horrible things that white men who's mothers didn't give them enough attention do...John Mark Karr, anyone?

If you're going to ask a question about crime, ask why the whole world is going down the toilet. Not why another immigrant, another crime. That's just juvenile.
read it done with it I hope you always post all the murders that come in newspapers!!! there are hundreds of Americans that get killed by fellow Americans too!!! So lets not generalise crime and criminals. Criminals are violent people who have nothing to do with being legal or illegals!
another example of just what you and others have been saying. the landlord should be charged as an accomplice.
Another reason I'm thankful I have the right to bear arms.
I feel sorry for her family.

Notice he already had a warrant !!

And for those of you who will say well American Citizens and Legal immigrants commit crimes, you are right, but guess what when an illegal commits a crime it is a preventable crime....IF the authorities and gov. were doing their jobs this woman would still be alive. That is the point..crimes committed by ILLEGAL ALIENS is a PREVENTABLE crime.
Deport all illegal forever!
Do you just go looking for these I think we've established that there are some here illegally that commit horrible crimes. But there are as many if not more citizens doing the same. America

Has been home to some of the most horrible criminals ever. Some Anti is going to turn this around and say I'm excusing this I'm not. I have said that the entrance should be made simpler and criminal background checks more stringent.I personally would point out every single hardened criminal starting with

MS13 members to be deported and be the first there to throw rotten tomatoes. But to say that they all are like that is


I've seen Rox's statement several times it doesn't change the fact that they are here they are coming and no one has stopped them and they stay.
I would never condone any violence like that to anyone, but let鈥檚 not forget鈥?it鈥檚 all races that commit unthinkable crimes鈥︹€?br>

Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer, (May 21, 1960-November 27, 1994) was a notorious American serial killer, necrophiliac and cannibal, who is believed to have murdered 17 men and boys between 1978 an 1991 (with the majority of the murders occurring between 1989 and 1991).

John Wayne Gacy, Jr., (March 17, 1942 鈥?May 10, 1994) was an American serial killer. He was convicted and later executed for the rape and murder of 33 boys and young men, 29 of whom he buried in the crawl space under his house, between 1972 and his arrest in December 1978. He became notorious as the "Killer Clown" because of the many block parties he attended, entertaining children in a clown suit and makeup

Gerard John Schaefer, (March 25, 1946 鈥?December 1995) was a serial killer from Florida, USA. He was impriosoned in 1973 for murders he committed as a policeman. While he was convicted of murdering 鈥渙nly two victims, he was suspected of many others. Schaefer frequently appealed against his conviction, yet privately boasted 鈥?both verbally and in writing 鈥?of having murdereded over thirty women and girls.

鈥?.and the list goes on, and on, and on鈥︹€nd these killers don鈥檛 have to go through any troubles to get here鈥?.they鈥檙e born here!!!!

So yes鈥?.Msuzyq鈥?. you should be thankful you can bear arms!!!

sealRborders 鈥?by agreeing with HoldemRox, proves you don鈥檛 care about the crimes鈥?you could care less about that lady or any other victim鈥?.you鈥檙e point is illegal immigrants鈥?.so make your point another way鈥?.any heinous crime is bad鈥?not matter who committed it or where there from! Millions of crimes are also committed by LEGALS every year too鈥oesn鈥檛 make it right!

I'm for the border fence, and more law enforcement focus on the deportation of illegal aliens. Not all are criminals as described above, but there is A Problem, solving it might require more than just turning the other way and trying not to see it...I think if we had our border fence in place, and stricter laws governing hiring, we'd be farther along, here. Some cities are making it an act that can be penalized under the law to rent to illegal aliens...either one of the last two would have prevented this guy from doing what he important are YOUR relatives to YOU? Decisions, decisions...
Doesn't this just make you hate our government even more? And what's with the idiot who said nobody cares? WRONG! I CARE! I hope he gets the death penalty. Either way, I'm sure the "punishment" he gets will not be appropriate for the horrible crime he committed. It just makes me sick. If immigration authorities had been doing their damn job, this woman would be alive. This is very sad. I feel bad for this woman's family, who will probably never get over this.

I also agree with Zoe's statement.
crime WILL NEVER END!!!!!!!! face it....

i don't care if they weren't supposed to be here....

There are STILL people that "are" supposed to be here that go on shooting and killing rampages......

Crime doesn't discriminate....

WE live in what we call reality, i hope you forget about your lil fantasy land....
This is sickening. It sounds like this Moreno character is trying to apply Mexican law (which is an oxymoron) to the US. Probably figured he would get away with it by bribing somebody.
Another one of many" Preventable" Crime if laws were followed and illegals were not here.

Close the borders and deport and screen all who come and make it tougher to come. We have enough of our own criminals without adding thousands more.
No one cares
So because this one illegal guy is a murderer, they all must be? Stupid assumption. Americans kill other americans everyday in very brutal ways, race and nationality means nothing. My son's father was illegal and is a murderer yet I still know they are not all like that. I don't judge an entire group for the actions of one.

I didn't say it was a one time thing idiot. Millions of crimes like this are commited by americans too. Get over it.

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