Saturday, March 3, 2012

Boston Bruins Fans Are The Worst fans in the NHL?

Okay, it's been proved that they have some of the most unclassiest fans in the league.

Canucks fans who visited Boston were peed on, banned from local bars, physically assaulted.

Habs fans would probably agree.

I know Canucks fans can sometimes be bad, but they do NOT ever physically assault someone, and the Bruins fans in Vancouver are free to go anywhere and no bars are banning them.

And this old lady who is a Canucks fan went to Boston for game 4 and said that she was physically assaulted and actually punched by Bruins fans and that her experience there was horrifying.

In all the cities the Canucks have played during the Playoffs, Chicago, Nashville and San Jose...Boston is far by the WORST. I'm so disgusted by their behaviour.

Also, Bieksa and Burrows actually went to a restaurant in Boston and after waiting for 30 minutes, the waiter comes back and says that "there's no food." PATHETIC.

Some evidence:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Your opinions?Boston Bruins Fans Are The Worst fans in the NHL?
Well the actions of some of the Bruins have are very disrespectful and quite illegal they do not reflect the feelings of all Bruins fan or the City of Boston in General. Boston is a crazy town that has some pretty crazy bastards there, trust me I grew up there. Now this stuff may not happen in Vancouver, except for a few minor things, fans have been assaulted in other cities not just boston. I was jumped by 5 guys in montreal when I was standing outside a bar having a smoke wearing my bruins jersey and not saying a word.

As far as Hurricane's not allowing people wearing Canucks gear into their establishment, what your artical doesnt say is how there were several fights at that same place during the Bruins and Philly series and they didnt want a repeat of that.

It was Bieska and Burrows it was supposedly Burrows, Hansen and Raymond and I dont think it happened and it is a false rumor: this is the only thing I can find on it.鈥?/a>

Also you couldnt sue the restaurant for discrimination in this case because Unlawful discrimination because of race, color, religious creed, national origin, ancestry or sex. Being a player for the Canucks doesnt fall under this law and Restaurants and other private establishments have the right to refuse service.

Also I would like to point out that no Boston or New Hampshire media is reporting any of this happened, and there are nothing in the Boston Police logs and trust me there would be.
i'm from boston and i'm a bruins fan. not all fans are like that, however i apologize on behalf of the idiots.

although i don't think it's just bruins fan who behave in poor taste. you can google any team and find instances of fans beating, taunting, etc others. it's not just happens everywhere.Boston Bruins Fans Are The Worst fans in the NHL?
If a woman got punched by multiple males, I think that would be headline news, no?

Is it? (I don't own a tv, but it's not on the frontpages of online news sites that I frequent)..

In either case, I've always known Boston were up there in the Least Classy Teams list. Just didn't think it was that extreme. I'm shocked.
Hey we love are teams in Boston. We are proud of who we are and not afraid to show it. Lets see Nashville and San Jose are not big hockey towns. You have to understand Bruins fans are very passionate people have been and always will be. Plus Bruins fans hate Burrows for the whole biting incident and will never forget it.
That's just ******* disgraceful. so what if Lucic's pa' and ma's had Popcorn thrown at them? a little girl got elbowed in the head for supporting a team? THAT! is ******* low.

but don't worry. A Bruins fan here tried to get on the bus last night and we all wouldn't let him on :) even the driver said, " have a nice walk" lol
I forgot how classy and respectful Canuck fans are.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
Nope. Penguin Fans are the worst.

I have been bullied by them for four years.

I knew a Boston fan that got food thrown at him because the Bruins where winning against the Penguins.

Boston has a million fans so it's not fair to compare all of them.

There's plenty of people who do that ****. So whats your point?
The worst fans are the people who dont come to the games and support their team. That would be the now ex Atlanta Thrashers.
Most unclassiest? And fans of the opposite team are always the worst in the NHL. People need to get over that.
boston fans are horrible but to be honest if u go to a city like philly it might be worst
No Montreal Canadiens fans are the worst.
A little girl who was wearing a Canucks jersey got elbow in the face. Typical Bruins fans...
You failed to mention the classiest act in all of the playoffs when some girl flashed her boobs for millions and millions to see all across the world and has been deemed the unclassiest thing done in the playoffs so far...hmmm....I am seemingly forgetting what city this happened in...uhhhhhh....oh wait! Vancouver!

Get off your high horse honey.

Vancouver fans, Boston fans, and every other NHL team has bad fans you are just targeting one fan base and doing extra research to make them look bad because your team is playing them. Pathetic if you ask me.
Every team in the NHL, and every other major league for that matter, has their share of fans that show little or no class, under the influence of alcohol or not. There are fans in Vancouver that do stupid sh*t and engage in otherwise illegal activities. Do you seriously think that an entire fan base is that messed up because of the actions of a few? I absolutely HATE it when anyone, anyone at all, behaves in a manner that is completely uncalled for (i.e., harassing other fans, assaulting other fans, throwing things at opposing team players, etc.) Gosh, I wish everyone wouldn't take sports so damn seriously. There are far more important things to be concerned about, like the global economy, natural disasters, etc.
Here it goes again lol. If it wasn't Boston Vancouver was playing against, I'm sure it would be some other City and Disrespectful fans.....that would do horrible stuff and fans would get mad. So Boston fans did stupid crap ....that doesn't represent all of their fans. And I'm positive Vancouver has fans that are just as disgusting and unclassy......Because EVERY CITY has there fair share of Idiot fans. And how are you positively 100% sure Vancouver fans never had beat up other people? All in all every team has stupid fans....all 30 of them!
You know something, the hyperbole of this series has reached it's zenith, fantastic stories of fans getting peed on can't be beat. Even in Philly, probably the worst place in the US to see a game as an outsider, the guy who vomited on a little girl was....guess what.....arrested.....and prosecuted. You don't think the powers that be in Boston, one of the most often visited tourist cities in the country, wouldn't hunt down the peeing perpetrators and make an example of them? Please.

Take any two passionate fanbases, put their teams in the finals, add alcohol, and things are going to happen in and around the stadium gameday. Add to this equation, a media base, with hundreds if not thousands of reporters trying to find some angle to not only put their paper, blog, radio staion or website at the forefront of attention, but also secure the job of the "reporter" and you get stories of old ladies getting assaulted, little kids getting elbowed, players getting denied a meal, and "the worst fans in the world" stigmas being assigned.

We are all rubes to the media economy.
Oh the rest of the story on the restaurant wasnt included, burrows actually bit the waiter and they were asked to leave. I highly doubt somebody punched an old lady, just because a sportsblog or online news website says it doesnt mean its real. Nowhere in those articles did i see anywhere that someone was peed on... All i read was that bruins fans were heckling canucks fans, and thats going to happen everywhere. Plus all of your sources are basically Canadian news, so of course they are going to blow it out of proportion a little. Like i said, if you werent there, then you cant say how bad it was. I'm sure if i went to game 7 wearing a bruins jersey and all kinds of bruins stuff, i would probably be in for some kind of abuse, but guess what? It's kind of expected, your going into another teams home arena in the Stanley Cup Finals, and cheering for the other team. And you expect people to welcome you with open arms? Welcome to the real world.

Okay so if i call a boston station and tell them i was assaulted and punched after game 5 and im a 70 year old man will everyone believe me? Sounds like a fun thing to do... I think i'll try it.
I am LAUGHING MY *** OFF seeing a CANUCK FAN complaining about bad fans! Did you know that the Canucks are WIDELY KNOWN for being some of the ********, wimpiest, snottiest, and all around classless fans in all of sports? It didn't take a question like this to figure that out, just check your own team's fan chat board. They talk among each other like that!
A little boy who was wearing a Bruins' jersey got elbowed in the face in game 5. Typical Canucks fans...

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